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關於devastated meaning的評價, Duncan

送給花蓮的石雕作品【拼回來】完成了,歡迎大家有空來看看! 創作理念: 我們會受傷,但堅強的人們還是能夠重拾碎片再度「拼回來」,如同花蓮並不會因為一場大地震而被擊倒,因為挫折,我們反能更加堅強茁壯。 ...

在斯巴达三色赛之后,就是更高级别的比赛——飓风赛(Hurricane Heat,简称HH)。作 为一项基于团队活动的赛事,飓风赛旨在推动选手向更远的距离发起挑战。你可以通过团队 合作快速了解和实现共同目标的价值和真正意义。你还可以看到团队合作与成功之间的联系, 并且在个人层面上,也会驱使自己变得比从前更加出色。 Beyond the mileage of the Spartan Race Trifecta stands the Hurricane Heat, or HH. As a team-based event designed to push racers to greater personal distances, you quickly learn the value and true meaning of having mutual objectives through teamwork. You also see the connection between teamwork and success and one drives the other on both a personal level and as a member of something greater than yourself.�� 飓风赛始于 2011 年 8 月。是时,飓风艾琳迫使原定在周日马萨诸塞州埃姆斯伯里的比赛计 划被迫取消。 不过,数以千计躁动的选手,也比不上斯巴达的创始人 Joe De Sena 更具破 坏性。 他在星期六早上 5 点 30 分聚集了 150 名运动员和斯巴达工作人员,递给他们一些沙 袋,让他们做了无数 burpees,然后开始进行了超过 3 个小时,覆盖不到 4 英里的比赛。毋 庸置疑,当我们完成时,很多人已经筋疲力尽了。 The Hurricane Heat started in August of 2011, when Hurricane Irene forced the cancellation of our Sunday program at Amesbury, Massachusetts. Even with thousands of bummed out racers, no one was more devastated than our founder, Joe De Sena. So, he gathered 150 athletes and Spartan staffers at 5:30am on Saturday morning, handed them some sandbags, did a boatload of burpees, and proceeded to spend more than three hours covering less than four miles. Needless to say, there were some very tired people when we got done. 30 天后,我们决定在尽可能多的举办飓风赛。从那时起,飓风赛就成为了我们的一个传统。 30 days later, we decided to have a Hurricane Heat at as many events as possible and we've kept that tradition going ever since. HH的基础是基于一个名为“勇士的精神”的代码,这个23个词的代码包含着跨越了数个世 纪的四个主要原则。 这个精神可以为你在最寒冷的早晨提供温暖的火花,指引你度过最黑暗 的夜晚。并且它将是指引你迈向斯巴达勇士的巅峰—Agoge的关键一步。 飓风赛是你学习 如何以非传统的方式解决问题,你也将在压力下学会忍耐,感受协作的力量。The foundation of the HH is based on a code called “The Warrior’s Ethos,” which is 23 words comprising four main principles with centuries of meaning behind them. This ethos serves to provide a spark to warm you on the coldest of mornings and guide you on darkest of nights as it will guide you and as a critical step towards the pinnacle of Spartan — the Agoge. The Hurricane Heat is where you learn non-traditional problem solving, find endurance under duress, and experience the power of synergy. 飓风赛分为4小时、12小时和24小时三种类型的比赛。飓风赛没有计时芯片,没有参赛号码, 也不存在个人竞争。 一旦你沉浸在飓风赛的文化中,你很快就会明白“为什么”,并重新认 识到接受这一挑战的目的。 强制装备清单将通过电子邮件收件发送给你,你将有责任为四小 时的高难度挑战做好准备-同时做好接受心理和生理挑战的准备。每场飓风赛都是一场独特 的体验,它与场地特点及教官直接相关。在这里你将受到挑战,但同时作为一个团队,你也 将收获成功。 There are 3 type of Hurricane Heat: 4 hours, 12Hours and 24Hours. There are no timing chips and no bibs. There is no individual competition. Once immersed in the HH culture, you quickly find your “why” and a renewed sense of purpose for taking on this challenge. With a gear list in your email inbox, the onus is on you to come prepared for four hours of intense demanding work with plenty of mental and physical challenges. Each HH is a unique experience directly related to the individuality of the venue, as well as the cadre in charge. You will be challenged. As a team, you will succeed. 成功的完赛者将获得飓风赛狗牌一个,三分之一块耐力赛三色奖牌,飓风赛完赛T恤一件以及 飓风赛刺绣臂章。同时,你将进入飓风赛完赛者群组,并通过这个独特的身份寻找更多的战 友。 Successful finishers earn an HH dog tag, a finisher t-shirt, delta wedge and patch, entry into a closed networking group, and the chance of a lifetime discovering the camaraderie derived only from becoming a Hurricane Heater. 你的第一步永远是你的下一步。 千里之行,始于足下,欢迎你来到新的旅程。 The next step is your first step. Welcome to your new 1609KM(1,000 mile )journey.

在斯巴达三色赛之后,就是更高级别的比赛——飓风赛(Hurricane Heat,简称HH)。作 为一...